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onewith swim on Shark Tank | Part 1: Getting on the Show!

I LOVED what Sarah from Curie did to document her Shark Tank experience..a series of blog posts breaking down her journey! I am going to take a page out of her book and do the same. Make sure you check out Sarah's Shark Tank blog posts here, and shop Curie's products, while you're at it. (I love their Armpit Detox Mask). 

ICYMI: I'm Hayley; me and my brand of patent-pending swimsuits that fit like underwear®️ were on Shark Tank on January 24, 2025. But ahead of any major milestone such as our better-than-seamless swimsuits landing in the Tank, there is always a story.

And my story of getting on Shark Tank actually begins much like Sarah's...with someone else manifesting it on my behalf. 

Specifically, my Grandpa. 

Let's rewind to the 2010s...

My Grandpa used to call me up out of the blue and tell me, "you should be on Shark Tank." Now, bear in mind that I did not have a product of any sort at the time. I was still making YouTube videos and working in the bridal industry, so this insistence on me being on Shark Tank felt...random.

When I had a feeling it was getting to the end of my Grandpa's time here on earth, I started recording these phone calls he'd make to me. Ever-so-fortunately, and I can not stress how lucky I feel to have this, I do have a clip of my Grandpa talking about the possibility of me being on Shark Tank, circa early 2019. I actually used this clip to announce to my family that I was going to be on the show! I thought of the onewith idea a couple of months after this clip was taken. Including it here to watch.

In the summer of 2019, my Grandfather was in a coma. It was evident that he would not make it, and at this point, I asked to go into his hospital room, alone. When I sat down at his bedside, as he was unconscious, I revealed to him that I had 'thought of my Shark Tank idea.' At that point, I had not disclosed to anyone that I was working on onewith. Only he 'knew.' He passed away a few hours later. I feel so grateful that I had this time alone with him to tell him that I had a shot of realizing this dream he had for me...his Shark Tank dream!

Fast forward to 2024...

Despite my Grandpa's blind faith in me that I would be a great candidate for Shark Tank, I did not feel the same way. I had a lot of limiting beliefs about my ability to get on and perform well on the show.  These limiting beliefs weren't just there, they were created by adverse experiences over time, which left me jaded...and thinking that I "was not the type of person that should do Shark Tank." I told myself I'd end up as shark bait, if you will...and I'd likely leave the Tank getting ripped to shreds. 

After watching a webinar held by the Founder's Club I am a part of, I changed my tune. Listening to people like Kalaii from ShredSkinz and Shirah from Nightcap discuss their positive experiences on the show gave me hope that maybe, just maybe, I too could swim, and not sink in the Tank. This newfound faith led me to immediately submit an application to be on Season 16 of the show. 

I submitted the applicated, Xed out of the screen, told my mom I applied, forgot about it, and moved on. A few weeks later...I got a call from casting. 

I knew enough about the Shark Tank process to know you can be 'cut' at any time, so despite my conversations with casting/production advancing, I maintained healthy expectations so that if I did get cut, it wasn't soul-crushing. Not to mention, there was also a LOT of backend prep work...mentally and physically...to get ready for the Tank, so there was a lot to be wrapping my mind around at all times throughout the process. 'A lot' is actually putting it mildly; prepping for the show is an absolute ton of work. I enjoyed it thoroughly...but nothing about the Shark Tank process is for the faint of heart! My summer was defined by Shark Tank prep, no doubt.

photo = me rehearsing the 'reveal' moment in my pitch, before I could rehearse it with the models themselves!

As weeks progressed and there was no reasonable sign in sight that I might be 'cut',  it became more clear that I would more than likely make it out to Los Angeles to film for Shark Tank. I'm pretty spiritual, with an immense trust in the universe, and I was getting so many positive signs that truly led me to believe I would end up in the Tank. 

...and that I did. In September of 2024, I taped for the show! I'll be recounting that experience in my next blog post 🫶