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The Latest in onewith Swimwear Like Underwear Rewards

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As the makers of better-than-seamless swimwear, we wanted to ensure, when it came time to launch a loyalty program, that it was just as frictionless as our swim. 
So, with that, we are lanching....onewith rewards!
onewith swim rewards is, quite literally, as easy as 1, 2, 3! 
1. The first step is to sign up - Create your account and start earning.  Become a onewith member and earn points & exclusive rewards with every purchase.  
 2. Earn the points! - Earn points every time you shop, share, or show the love. Ways to earn include shopping our better-than-seamless swimwear, each dollar spent earns you 1 point towards rewards. 50 points will be awarded to any of our customers that follow us on Instagram who have not yet. You can earn up to 200 points for leaving us a review of our edgeless, dig-free swimwear, and an additional 50 on top of that if you include a photo in your review. And, of course, a special surprise reward on your birthday to shop the most flattering swimwear. 
onewith swimwear, swimwear like underwear, midsize flattering swimsuits
3. Lastly, a how-to on redeeming your onewith swim points! Redeeming your points is easy; click Redeem My Points and simply copy & paste your code at checkout.  The redemption rates are as follows: 100 points = $5 off, 200 points = $10 off, 400 points = $20 off.
Still needing more guidance in how to better navigate the onewith swimwear like underwear loyalty program? Here are the most frequently asked questions about onewith swim rewards: 
Q: How can I join the onewith Rewards Program
A: Joining our rewards program is simple and free! Just create an account at onewith.com, and you will be automatically enrolled - no strings attached.

Q: Are rewards points retroactive for previous purchases?
A: No, rewards points are not retroactive. Points are only awarded for orders placed.

Q: How can I redeem my rewards points?
A: You can redeem your rewards points for discounts on orders at onewithswim.com.
Q: How can I earn rewards points?
A: There are multiple ways to earn rewards points. You can earn points by shopping at onewithswim.com, leaving product reviews, entering your birthday, or for following us on IG

Q: Are the loyalty earning and spending rules subject to change?
A: Yes, the loyalty earning and spending rules are subject to change at any time. We will communicate any changes to our rewards program through our various platforms to ensure you are informed.

Q: What happens if I abuse the rewards program?
A: We take the integrity of our rewards program seriously. Customers who create multiple loyalty accounts, or abuse the program in other ways, may be blocked or become ineligible to more expansive, redeeming points.
Q: Can I share my rewards points with other customers?
A: No, rewards points cannot be shared with other customers. They are tied to your individual account. Although, you can access our Refer-a-Friend portal here, where you're able to gift $10 off to a friend not already enrolled in onewith swim rewards. 
onewith swimwear like underwear, dig-free swimsuits, better-than-seamless swimwear
As previously mentioned, in addition to our latest rewards program, we've also rolled out Refer-a-Friend! This long-anticipated program is now live on our site. Gift your friends $10 off their first order of $40 or more and get $10 (in points) for each successful referral. 
Have any other questions not answered here? Feel free to contact us, and remember to sign up to become a onewith swim member and earn points & exclusive rewards every time you shop.